Reasons for not fasting in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah - Islamic Knowledge

Reasons for not fasting in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah

Reasons for not fasting in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah, Excuses for not Fasting
Reasons for not fasting in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah

Reasons for not fasting in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah

Allah has sent Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) as a mercy for all the worlds. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has sought mercy and ease for us in every aspect of life whether it is related to the rights of Allah or the rights of worshipers. Haqooq-e-Allah also mentions the holy month of Ramadan, which is a very religious month for Muslims. Since Allah has sent the Prophet (PBUH) as mercy, he has introduced various reasons for not fasting. Menstruation, postpartum, travel, etc. These are all reasons for not fasting. Here are some specific people Some of them are those who have been ordered not to fast and some are those who have been given permission to keep it whether they like it or not.

(1)    A woman who is menstruating or postpartum:

A woman who is menstruating or a woman who is bleeding during childbirth is commanded by the Prophet (PBUH) not to fast. If she has this condition during fasting, her fast will still be void Why should she not fast at the last moment? Because the Prophet (PBUH) asked one of his Companions, “Is it not the case that when a woman becomes menstruating, she neither prays nor fasts?” (Saheeh al-Bukhari, H: 304) In fact, this interrogation was a denial, which means that in this case, the woman can neither pray nor fast. However, these women will make up for their shortened fasts after their days are over.

(2)    Traveler:

Travel is also one of the reasons for not fasting. It is Favorite for a traveler not to fast while traveling, but he is not commanded to break his fast, only to leave. If the traveler is able to fast, then he is allowed to fast, as when Hazrat Hamza Al-Aslami(RA) asked him to fast while traveling. If you want, leave it "(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Hadith No. 1943)
But if the traveler cannot afford it, then he should not fast, because of the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Fasting while traveling is not a good deed.” (Saheeh Muslim, Hadeeth No. 1115)۔

(3)    Patient:

Illness is also one of the reasons for not fasting. Allah has said in the Qur'an: "So whoever is sick or on a journey, let him complete his count in other days." (Al-Baqarah, verse no. 184) And the disease refers to a disease that makes it difficult for a person to fast. However, Islam forgives a person who is permanently ill from fasting forever. In return for every fast, feed every poor person, that is, redeem his fast. In the same way, fasting is not permissible for a person who can cause his death, because Allah has said in the Qur'an: And do not shake your hands "(Surat al-Baqara, verse 195).


Allah Almighty is very kind to His servants. Therefore, He has introduced various reasons for not fasting. Menstruation, postpartum, travel, etc. These are all reasons for not fasting.

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